Angry Jesus

The Pharisees refused to take joy in the healing of others. They put rules and self ahead of those they served.  

They didn’t operate in healing. They didn’t move in the miraculous. Yet. That didn’t anger Jesus.  

But. It angered Jesus that they didn’t care about getting someone healed.  

The Pharisees refused to leave the 99 to take care of the 1. Yes, that was to be their role as leadership. Their job was to bring aid to the lost and those who needed comfort.  

Their attitudes of self righteousness made Jesus angry, and left Him grieved at their hardness of heart.  

You don’t have to operate in power, just be sure not to deny it’s our role and duty as sons to bring that healing power to the hurting.  

Healing is a natural, logical extension of God’s grace and goodness. Too many grace leaders today are so ridiculously focused on dissing and leaving religion, that they miss the heart of Christ.  

You can be so anti something, you forget to be pro something.  

Mark 3:5 (ESV) And he looked around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, and said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was restored.

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