Bobcats, Wolves, and Heresy

This morning I was woken up by birds of all shapes and sizes making a TON OF NOISE. They were right in front of my house - they wouldn't stop - and I couldn't figure out why. 

But then, I saw a bobcat ... it was roaming the street, hanging out in front yards, and climbing trees. He was not there to play with a ball of string. 

Yes. The birds were alerting each other - and I assume alerting other animals as well. Man, it was so crazy loud - and went on for at least 30 minutes! 

Well, much the same. We must be aware that not everything taught in church or shared on social media about Jesus is true. 

I don't mind: 

  • Bad teaching 
  • Boring teaching 
  • Misguided teaching 
  • Immature teaching 
  • Incomplete teaching 

But I do mind deceptive and destructive teaching. 

I'm sorry but I will never tolerate the DEMONIC teachings that the apostles died railing out against. 

  • Legalism (law mixed with grace) 
  • Universalism (all saved) 
  • Inclusionism (all saved, not all know it) 
  • Preterism (Jesus came back in 70 AD) 
  • Gnosticism (Jesus didn't come and die in the flesh) 

Wolves among us are real, and they prey on the health of the sheep. Much of this terrible teaching will turn you lazy, confused, powerless, defenseless, and ultimately thieved from. 

Peeps. You will never see this stuff on any page I am associated with. 

When in doubt, ask Jesus! Do your own homework. Get in both the written and Living Word. Check it against your knower (Holy Spirit), and against the source. 

Yes. There are tiny kernels of truth in absolutely everything. But guard your heart. Digest what nourishes, and poop the rest out. 


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