Break the Barrier

The only barrier to God is you

Sin has been dealt with. Put away forever. No longer a barrier to His presence. Hebrews 9:26-28 


Fear. Doubt. Shame. Self. Pride. Lies of man. Worth. Fear of criticism. Desire for things of the world. 

Yes. Unbelief. 

All clutter the new heart you’ve been given. Ezekiel 36:26 

Jesus is constantly trying to remove the clutter of our heart ... the stuff that we’ve put there or allowed there. Thorns and thistles within the heart, choke the growth of the seed (word) within our heart! 

Yes. Our new heart is His, but the junk in it is ours.  

Break the barrier of self.

Be rooted in Christ, stay attached to the vine ... and see your heart burst with peace, purpose, and joy.

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