Giftings Alert

On my trip to Ohio last week, I ended up at a fireworks barn. There were hundreds if not thousands of fireworks that I’ve never even heard of before. Walking through the building with my chin dropped to the floor - I heard The Holy Spirit say, “look at the variety.” The types, colors, styles, effects, names, power rating levels - it was incredible. 

And I thought. 

What if a lit match fell in this place? 


I believe with all my heart that this is exactly what God has in mind for the body of believers. For the benefit and unification of the kingdom, there are giftings sitting inside people that nobody has ever heard of. Abilities that have gone unnoticed ... and unsought after! 

Yet, God is going to light a match inside His people and activate powerful things within that we’ve never considered as possible. Healing, knowing, hearing, seeing, understanding, depths of creativity, communicating, miraculous doing, and spirit realm ways of being that will light up the sky to glorify Jesus. 

Yes. The riches of Christ, our very inheritance dwells INSIDE the believer (Ephesians 1:18, 2:7; 3:8). Paul says that these riches of Christ are so incredibly vast that they are UNSEARCHABLE, and I believe with all my heart we as co heirs shall soon see the skies booming with the noise of the coming King. 

Peeps, go get some matches. And ask God to ignite and reveal your inheritance. It’s in you here, now.


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