God Upholds

Writing from the airplane, I have to share it. The Holy Spirit showed this to me today. Blows my mind.  

He (Jesus) is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the ****word of his power****. Hebrews 1:3 

Notice it’s not power of the word, but word of His power. Different translations word it a bit differently, but this is the wording of the original Greek.  

In the Greek, in this sentence the word for “word” is Rhema. The spoken word of God. It’s what you hear with your heart and spirit.  

So, the universe and *all in it* is 👉👉 upheld by the spoken word of HIS own power. In other words, anything God has ever spoken He has PROMISED His OWN power to uphold and flow out of what was spoken.  

Anything God has ever promised to YOU personally or any promise written in the Bible ... God has promised His own power to run that sucker right into existence.  

It’s not your power that matters. It’s GOD’s power!  

Think about this.  

He’s promised to heal your marriage.  
He’s promised to heal your finances.  
He’s promised to heal your heart.  
He’s promised to heal your career.  

He’s promised you can heal the sick.  
He’s promised you can cast out demons.  
He’s promised you can raise the dead.  
He’s promised you can speak in tongues.  
He’s promised you can operate in the supernatural.  

Are you in the universe? Yep. So you and your promises are too.

So. GOD’s power is ALREADY IN IT!  

Move forward. His power will fuel ⛽️ and uphold everything promised by the precious Rhema (spoken word) of God.

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