It Is Finished!

“It is finished.” 🩸😉😇 

What was finished? I love how the heart of man gets to interpret this verse. So vague, yet so powerful.  

Scan Facebook theology and you will see how many people make this into an anthem of how we have nothing to do. God has done it all … without us.  

Yet. Moments before Jesus tastes death, He announces “It is finished” (John 19:30) and if we go over to Hebrews 2:14-15 we see WHO was finished…..  

“Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that THROUGH DEATH he might DESTROY THE ONE who has the POWER of DEATH, that is, the DEVIL, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.” 

Yep. The devil was finished. The devil was destroyed. 😂 Nope. Sorry. The devil isn’t gone yet, for that’s at final judgment and the lake of fire.  

But. For the righteous ones: the devil was stripped of the power of death; the tool of sin had been obliterated (Romans 6:7); and Jesus finished the work of the law for training unto Godliness (Romans 10:4).  

Peeps. The devil was fully destroyed because the authority he stole from Adam and Eve in the garden was handed back to the creation through covenant with Jesus, the Son of Man.  

Jesus took back from the devil what we lost. Yes. We sit now with Jesus in dominion (eph 2:6)!  

Peeps. The devil no longer has any legal authority; the law which came to increase sin now sits upon our hearts; and the devil’s tools of sin and death that kept the creation in bondage … have both been broken.  

The devil. And the entire system of law, sin, and death has been eradicated for the righteous (Col 2:12-15).  

In covenant, Jesus took away forever our enemy of death and we take on His enemy, the devil.  

It is finished! Is our beginning. And. It’s an open invitation to the more of God in order to take on increased responsibilities in the kingdom. 🩸🩸🩸

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