No Condemnation

Well. If I haven’t yet offended you in the last week or so, this post should finally do it. 😂 

Some verses get said over and over and over again, without checking out what it really, truly says. Grace people love this verse, and it’s used all the time to say we don’t need to receive correction from people. Or, our feelings shouldn’t ever be hurt by being taken to the carpet for our attitudes or behavior. 

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1 

This verse isn’t talking about shame, guilt, or embarrassment - it’s talking about eternal damnation. 

Paul is writing in chapter 7 about the law/sin, and the ensuing death that had resulted. Here, he transitions in chapter 8 about our life in the spirit. Paul is talking about the truth that you as a believer now reside in the spirit realm and will never lose your salvation! You are forever, because you sit in an unbreakable covenant. 

The word condemnation here is katakrima, and this word means damnatory sentence. Yes, eternal judgment! Yes, it is the 2nd death! And, please remember the phrase “in Christ” is covenant language. 

So, technically this verse would read something like: “There is therefore now no death sentence for those who are in covenant with Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1 

Yes. We should respect each other and never put shame on people. But to grow, we need to be corrected and we need to correct each other. This is why our relationships are so very important. When bonds are formed with people, loving correction can be given and received. 

Peeps. If you are in Christ, you will never be put to eternal shame (Isaiah 45:22-25).

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