Olive Oil

Paul says in Romans 11 that the believing Gentiles have been grafted into ... an OLIVE tree. These are slow, steady growing fruit bearing trees that are deeply representative of the land of Israel. 

  • The roots/tree trunk are Jesus. 
  • The branches are YOU
  • The olives coming off your branches are the fruit of Jesus.

As the healthy branch, you are merely a conduit to the fruit being produced. You don’t grow the fruit, Jesus does! That fruit, the fruit of righteousness, is your character.  


How does the fruit (character) from the tree of Righteousness get converted into the flowing oil of Holy Spirit power? 

Olives must be PRESSED to give up its oil!  

Within your own character, as you decrease and come to a place of full surrender ... the anointing oil increases. As you rely less and less on you, and more and more on Jesus ... His oil flows from deep within you.

Folks. You died. You don’t belong to you. By grace, all you need to expand the kingdom is freely yours.

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