
I’m not a prophet, but I’m gonna’ be real. Everything in me, yes deep in my DNA, I believe the church is about to undergo persecution.  

No, it has nothing to do with who sits in the Oval Office, it’s about who has had the seat of our heart.  


It wouldn’t matter if Mickey Mouse had won the election, the house of God is about to be shook. Hard.  


Because there is going to be a giant push of unbelievers (and believers) to the throne of God, yes those who are now seeking actual truth. And the house must first be violently shaken INTO truth to receive those who have been shook.  

In this season, God needs the church active, alive, and armed with truth of who they are in Christ.  

And the church will be shaken to go after this identity. Folks. God didn’t put away our sin, to NOT deal with our selfish and unbelieving hearts.  

God isn’t drawing people from the dark into religiosity. He’s drawing them into spiritual freedom, light, and new life as co heirs.  

Persecution comes in many forms: 

Financial struggle  
Restriction of speech  
Legal (501c3) 
Verbal threats  
Physical violence  
False teaching  

The church has always grown the best under persecution, and why would the greatest harvest of all time be any different?  

Our churches are coming into a time of deep needed correction, and the church will arise, shine!

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