Relationship With God

This will make most people mad. Flat out. 🤪 

The Bible says NOTHING about a personal relationship with God, but it does mention an unbreakable, iron clad covenant that (fueled by the currency of faith) makes me the co heir & co builder of an eternal kingdom.  

Yes. Relationships are made to be broken. 

His covenant is not!  
His spirit is not!  
His love is not! 
His intimacy is not! 
His provision is not!  

I’ve had friends come and go. 
I’ve had neighbors come and go. 
I’ve had family come and go.  
I’ve had tons of FB friends come and go.  
I’ve had work connections come and go.  
I’ve had bosses come and go.  
I’ve had business partners come and go.  
I’ve had mentors come and go.  
I’ve had church peeps come and go.  

Folks. We aren’t designed for a relationship. Those usually break.  

Yet. We ARE designed for the unbreakable, unshakeable promise of power and kingdom purpose sitting at the feet of our own surrender.  

Are you just in a ‘relationship’ with your spouse? Or are you in an unconditional covenant?  

I’m in an unconditional covenant with God. One that even HE CANNOT BREAK!  

Folks. We are here for far more than a conditional, wish washy, flirty relationship with our Creator. We are here for eternal glory, forever intimacy with God, and the kingdom gain of our ‘yes’ to JESUS.

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