Renew The Mind

People quote this verse all the time about renewing the mind … but without stopping to think about the testing part. 😅⚾️

Yes, we test our thoughts against the truth of the written word. If our own thoughts, when tested against the written message (word), don’t line up to His nature, ways, or character …… those thoughts need to be tossed out and realigned with Truth.

So, the issue becomes, if you don’t know the word, His nature, or His character ….. the mind cannot possibly be renewed. Nope. His will simply cannot be established in any given situation, if we don’t know Truth.

This is why religion, tradition, apathy, and false teaching are so very dangerous. 🙃

Press in. Dig deeper. Draw near. 
Renew your mind. Discern His will.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by *testing* (your thoughts) you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

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