Rubik's Cube

There is so much confusion in the body of Christ, and sometimes I wonder: 

  • What if the bible were written in bullet points? 
  • What if Paul didn’t write in run on sentences? 
  • What if the bible were written originally in English? 
  • What if God edited the bible to eliminate ALL potential points of confusion? 
  • What if Jesus didn’t speak about things hidden in parables? 
  • What if Matthew and Luke didn’t copy and add on to the account of Mark? 

Then, I realized. 

True riches are hidden for those who desire to be wealthy. Yes, the things of God aren’t hidden from us, they are hidden for us. 

The gospel of the kingdom is a heart knowledge, not a head knowledge. And this knowledge is beyond a human cognitive knowing that can only be sought out with the passion of the heart. 

We seek God with an unveiled heart, and earnestly desire to know Him deeper. 

If everything were simple and clear: 

  • You wouldn’t be curious. 
  • You wouldn’t be hungry. 
  • You wouldn’t desire. 
  • You wouldn’t seek. 
  • You wouldn’t search the depths of God. 
  • You wouldn’t be walking FROM a place of faith. 
  • You wouldn’t need the other members of the body of Christ.

And … 

You would sit under GREATER accountability (yes, judgment) for NOT doing what you KNEW you should be doing. 

As a friend of mine said recently, the bible is like a Rubik’s cube. It can be solved if you spend time learning how the pieces all move or fit together. But far too many people are ok with an incomplete puzzle. 

Which is a heart issue. 

Proverbs 25:2 

It is the glory of God to conceal things, 
    but the glory of kings is to search things out.

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