Thank Me

I remember a few years back my dog Paris tore a ligament in her knee chasing after a squirrel. She literally was screaming from the backyard, and for weeks had to walk on 3 legs.  

Paris was in so much pain, and the vet wasn’t able to operate on her. The damage just couldn’t be repaired.  

If you know me, you know I was a mess.  

But. A good friend of ours had a vision of Paris’ knee being fully healed, and I remember praying a couple of times right after - and nothing had changed for her yet.  

In frustration I said to God, “I know you heard me, so I don’t think it’s fair that I have to keep asking.”  

I continued, “So, what do I need to do in the meantime?” 

God replied, “Thank Me.” 

And I did. Over and over. Thanking God that He heard me and that she would be healed.  

3 weeks later.  

The dog was running around school again!  

God hears us. 
God heals us.  
God restores us.  

If He loves our pets. How much does He love us!

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