The Moral Law

Uber legalists will tell you the Torah and the Law of 613 are for today. And false gracists will tell you that there is NO law on this side of the cross. Both sides get very angry when these views get opposed. 

The truth, is that “the Law of 613” is no longer useful for training in righteousness. For those who believe, Jesus is now BOTH our teacher and our sole path to right standing. 

“For Christ is the END of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” Romans 10:4 

But, on this side of the cross, we are still under moral law. God does not change (Hebrews 13:8), hence God’s ways of morality do not change. The Lord still desires His kids to accurately represent His nature and to walk the earth like Jesus did. 

WITHOUT law, there is lawlessness and lifestyles of deep sin. 

“Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.” 1 John 3:4

From the Torah, the Law of 613 has been forever placed upon your own heart (Jeremiah 31:33). Yet, still, on this side of the cross we live under these moral laws:

The Law of Christ: We are to bear the burdens of others (Galatians 6:2).

The Royal Law: We are to love our neighbor as our own self (James 2:8).

The Law of Reaping and Sowing: We reap what we sow!!! Whatever seed you plant, is the type of plant that will grow! When sowing to the flesh, you will get corruption and things of the flesh. When sowing to the Spirit, you will get life, peace, and things of the Spirit (2 Corinthians 9:6; Galatians 6:7-8).

The Law of Liberty: We are to be DOERS of the word, not just hearers! We are to use our freedom in Christ for the benefit of kingdom and not to gratify the flesh/self (James 1:22-25).

In fact, I’d argue that there is judgment (discipline) for the believer under these moral laws when we continue to live from the flesh instead of from our new nature, His divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). 

Yes, JUDGMENT comes as correction when we misuse our price paid freedom. “So SPEAK and so ACT as those who are to be JUDGED under the law of liberty.” James 2:12

The Lord does not change, morality is to be our very foundation. And His moral laws are in place for us to adhere to. Friends, no matter one’s doctrinal stance, “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 9:10

More verses on judgment for the believer – here, now (Hebrews 12:7-11; 1 Peter 2:23; 1 Peter 4:17; 1 Corinthians 11:31-32; Matthew 7:2; Romans 2:1; 1 Timothy 5:24). 

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