The Tongue

Check this. The word for tongue in Hebrew (לָשׁוֹן l’shone) has a value of 386 in the Gematria, and the mathematical value of 386 is equal to ……. YESHUA! 

Your tongue carries the same weight as Jesus! 

Your tongue was designed to carry the authority of Jesus!  

Your tongue is weaponized straight from the throne to speak forth life and healing!  

Your tongue has positioned you as a co creator with Jesus!  

Yes. Every word you say has the power to usher in death or life.  

Jesus cursed the fig tree, it withered.  
Jesus blessed people, freedom came.  
Jesus spoke healing, wholeness crashed in.  

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” 
Proverbs 18:21  

Credit Lori Rosen Caplin

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