
Today I got trapped in the service elevator at my parents’ apartment. Like everything, there’s always a spiritual lesson. 

I was trying to go to the gym down on the 3rd floor and their apartment is on the 15th floor. 

Against my own will, I kept riding the elevator bouncing up and down from the sub basement to the 18th floor - and I couldn’t get to either where I was GOING or to where I originally WAS. 

And in those stops that I could get out - all the stairway doors were locked and I just couldn’t get to a place of any real value. 

Sometimes our journey is like that. We leave the bondage of Egypt and head out to the promised land - and the distance isn’t a straight line. 

Rather, it’s a winding slow walk where intimacy and trust with God is grown. 

Folks. Very few things that God places in our hearts will ever be a straight line. It will be a unique journey that will test our heart and grow our faith. 

Like the elevator, we get tossed to and fro - unable to get to where we desperately WANT to be and 100% dead set on NOT going back to where we once were. 

And when we can cheat and get out - we refuse to because we know it’s a dead end. 

Well. At some point, the door opened today and some nice lady got in the elevator. She too was on this crazy ride with me, but after walking down a few flights of stairs - she had a KEY to the locked entry doors and we got to the gym. 

Jesus, the true key holder is on this ride WITH us. And He already has a set day and time that your locked door will open. 

And it will. 

In the meantime, we ride the ride in trusting obedience, and expand our heart for the more of Him. 

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