Repent and Believe

These are the very first words of the ministry of Jesus, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; REPENT and BELIEVE in the GOSPEL.” Mark 1:15 

The Western church has done well to believe in JESUS and to be eternally saved through our repentance. But, we as a body of believers haven't done such a great job believing in the GOSPEL itself. 

Yes, the church must awaken to what’s already been provided at the cross. We must begin to grasp that our appointed time to rule and reign over the works of darkness began with His blood and sacrifice. Yes as co heirs we must come to fully believe in the goodness of God and the entire scope of the gospel message of who WE are in covenant with Christ. 

Jesus calls the gospel the good news of the kingdom (Luke 16:16), and Paul calls the gospel the good news of God's grace (Acts 20:24; Galatians 1:6). 

Yet. These two distinct perspectives of the gospel spoken by Jesus and Paul go hand in hand. For by God's goodness (grace) ... Jesus has invited and empowered us to co-build a kingdom. 

In surrender, everything Jesus did, we can do. 


First, we are the vessels God will use to build a kingdom and honor the promises given to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3; Isaiah 61:1-11). 

Second, Jesus said so. 

“Truly, truly, (amen, amen) I say to you, whoever believes in me will ALSO do the works that **I** do; and *greater* works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father." John 14:12 

All we have to do is believe in the gospel message we have been given. 

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