Kingdom Shakers

Alan Caplin, a public school counselor and educator since 1991, grew up on the East Coast in a Reform Jewish household and clearly remembers not believing in God. In fact, Alan used to sneak a little radio into temple in order to listen to the New York Giants football games during service!

As a young adult, Alan developed a personal desire to seek the truth behind sin and salvation … despite ridicule and shame from the Jewish community. Over 25 years later, with a deep passion in Yeshua (Jesus) as our promised Messiah, Alan spends much of his time sharing his faith with Jew and Gentile alike.

With Alan Caplin’s unique background as a public school counselor and teacher, his bold and colorful messages place great emphasis on teaching people the power behind changing unhealthy thinking patterns (Romans 12:2). Alan proposes that our faulty and worldly thinking keeps us stuck in the natural or physical, but we must think in the “supernatural” and think like our Messiah does (1 Corinthians 2:16).

We have been freely given the mind, wisdom, and instruction of Christ, and yes access to His very thoughts by His own Spirit (1 Cor 2). You and I have ***RISEN*** with Him out of the waters of death as a new creation, and are no longer guided in this world with our fleshly minds, lusts, and passions … but rather with a fused Spirit of both His and ours (Rom 8:14; Col 2:12-13).

Restoration & Desire

At the core of his teaching, it is the desire of Alan’s heart to see the broken hearted restored, captives set free, and prisoners released from a blinding darkness that is all too often self-imposed (Isaiah 61:1). The world is hard - for sure - but many times we put hurts, frustrations, and burdens on ourselves that God had never intended for us to bear.  


Often times, we lack a true picture of ourselves and worth in Christ, and we "factory default" to worldly ways of thinking, believing, and seeing. However, like the primary rule of therapeutic counseling … the client must DESIRE  change and be willing to make adjustments in their unhealthy thinking patterns.

For some, the thought of true change is both difficult and scary … and, sadly enough, many of those people stuck in emotional and/or mental bondage just aren’t willing to take the necessary steps to be transformed.

Yet, for us to be effective as believers – transformation of the mind is exactly what God requires of us (Galatians 5:24). Honestly, the only possible way for us to “crucify the flesh” and gain a true renewing of the mind is by the illuminating, encouraging, and strengthening power of The Holy Spirit (John 16:13). Coupled with the power of The Holy Spirit, we as believers must also gain a clear and unshakeable understanding of: His biblical truth; His unsurpassable love for us; and the authority and power that we each hold in His mighty name (Luke 10:1-23; Ephesians 6:10-17; Colossians 2:13-15; John 8:32; Philippians 2:9-11; John 14:12-14; Acts 1:8; and Matthew 18:3).

Alan deeply believes that **WE** will do far greater things than Jesus ever did while here with us (John 14:12), but we must first win the raging battle in our minds! For it is our own fears, pride, doubt, confusion, emotional hurts, painful memories, rigid and faulty thinking, negative self-perceptions, and flat out incorrect understanding of the gospel that serves to limit what good and mighty works (Philippians 1:6) God is able to do both in us and through us.

Alan’s fun and thought provoking teachings challenge the body of Christ to put away flesh based, self-motivated, worldly thinking (Romans 12:2), and to instead, renew hearts and minds on a relentless personal search for His truth.

Through the Power of Jesus

For it is truth as revealed by The Holy Spirit (John 8:32 and John 16:13), that makes us free! A new freedom found in simple, clear biblical truth that perfectly releases us from ourselves, our fears, our own emotional hang-ups, opinions of others, lies and deception from the enemy, and distorted personal world-views.

For believers to effectively operate in both the authority and power we have been given by Jesus, we must first learn to shake off our counter-productive, rigid, and negative worldly thinking. For lack of a better term, we must transform into kingdom thinkers! Those led by Spirit, who put on the mind of Christ and think like Christ! 

When we think about life’s situations, questions, and complexities in view of God’s glory bring revealed in us and the expansion of the Kingdom of God … life’s quirks, struggles, and unanswered questions seem to fall into place.


Here's the key, these"kingdom thinkers" who see and think of the world around them through the vast, perfect lense of The Spirit ... and those who truly understand that our flesh (our way) died at the cross ... can't help but become ***KINGDOM SHAKERS***!

You see Luke 17:21 tells us that the kingdom is in our midst - it's right here within us! As the temple of His Spirit, the kingdom **dwells** in each and every believer, and everything we see with our eyes is INSIDE the kingdom - here! Yes. Every time we help someone, give of our time, help shake the dust off another, change a flat tire, provide an ear, shoulder, or meal ... the kingdom is shaken! To the core! 

Changed or renewed thinking, leads to freedom from self, worldly, and religious bondage ... which leads to a greatly shaken kingdom!

Truly, the sons and daughters of God don't see, think, or even operate with their fleshly eyes or minds ... they see and operate with their own fused SPIRIT (Rom 8:14; Col 2:12-13)! Yet, one can only walk and relate to others this way ... when they are first free from themselves, negative self views, and the world! 

Paul in Romans 8:14 urges the believer to be led by the Spirit of God, not by their own flesh. Paul even says in Romans 8:8 that the believer cannot even please God while in the realm of the flesh! Yes, the flesh (our way) can only think of worry, fear, self, and the world - it does not think or consider the things of God. The Father desires us to walk free. Free from shame. Free from fear. Free from hurt. Free from guilt. Free from pride. Free from the opinions of others. Free from the past. Free from self judgment.

We must begin to see ourselves as He sees us ... as 100% set free. 

Alan believes we are entering a new global era where God’s “Kingdom Shakers” free and unshackled from themselves will begin to arise, shine, stand up strong, push back darkness, bear much fruit, witness great miracles, operate from the spirit instead of the flesh, and boldly proclaim His mighty name.

A new time has come for His holy people to put off their old selves (Romans 6:6; Ephesians 4:22; and Colossians 3:9) and to clothe themselves in Christ (Galatians 3:27) ... in order to walk as the empowered new creation boldly expanding the Kingdom of God for His own glory.

“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.” – Isaiah 60:1