Alan and Lori Caplin love, admire, and respect the local churches. With much working against them, these churches do the work of The Lord equipping the people. Most pastors have sacrificed themselves, their families, their own finances, and even their personal health to speak life into the children of God ... and they have our complete respect. These men and women have proven to be grace under fire. 

Yet. As a public school educator with almost 30 years of experience, Alan Caplin sees discipleship a little differently than most people. Alan sees how intimacy, close relationship between teacher and learner, and active participatory learning quickly grows the student (disciple). 

The Caplins know too well that there is a difference between passive learning and active learning.

Passive learning is when we sit down and listen to content ... then go home to remember it and maybe, possibly, begin to operate in it.

Whereas active learning is when the learner has a participatory role in the learning process.

With active learning, the learners share ideas; teach each other; practice their giftings; share prophetic words; engage in what's being taught; act upon the freedom to lead; feed off the close relationship with the teachers; are given the safe space to both practice and fail; and have the space to actively operate in prayer for both healing and the miraculous. This type of active learning grows the individual much more rapidly than passive learning. 

The goal of FireLight is a shared experience grounded in biblical Truth and the replication of Jesus. With the distinct presence of God along with healing and miracles ... we expect powerful growth within the believer. The kind of growth that launches others into their own destiny. 

Honestly. We don’t want to grow a single church body. We want to grow a kingdom. 

At the heart of FireLight (which was the burning lamplight outside homes) is the rooted desire of growing the group, to spin off other groups. And to have those groups spin off into other groups. Yes. Raising up internal leaders who look and sound like Jesus to spread the growth and multiplication of an Acts 2 church system. 

Most of the previous revivals have been one large fire or one single space burning with the presence of The Holy Spirit, which is absolutely great! But what if there were several hundred small Holy Spirit fires raging all at one time across the country? Well, you'd have a Holy Ghost firewall blazing a path across this nation (and beyond) that the devil himself wouldn't know what to do with!  

Alan and Lori Caplin are members of:

  • Apostolic Network of Global Awakening

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