Blind Bartimaeus

Blind Bartimaeus only had one source of income … that as a public beggar. Blind Bart also only had one inner identity, that as a handicapped person. 

But when Blind Bart heard Jesus in the crowd, his soul was filled with desire. Blind Bart began to shout “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” … but the crowd rebuked him telling him to be silent. Mark 10:47-48

Yet. Bart cried out even more! 

Jesus calls out to Bart, and basically asks, “what can I do for you?”

Bart responded by, “throwing off his cloak, he sprang up and came TO Jesus.” Mark 10:50

Bart’s cloak was a symbol or even a mantle of who he was. The cloak was government issued and gave him the legal “right” to beg for money. Without the approved cloak, he had no chance for survival. 

Yes. Bart had thrown to the ground his only identity (that as being handicapped) and his only source of income from the cloak. 

Bart dropped the mantle of lies and sought the healer with everything within him. All the side noise was dropped. Bart had refused to listen to the ridiculous counsel of unbelievers who surrounded him. 

If you have a dream from God within you, or even a need for healing that’s lingered … drop all the side noise. Drop all that hinders your identity in Christ and passion for Him. 

Get rid of old mindsets. 
Get rid of the mantle of doubt. 

Yes. Come out of agreement with what the world has told you about you. Seek the Healer and Provider with all you have and all that you are. Let every hindering thought and lie fall to the ground. 

In fact, I’ve learned some don't WANT to get well or whole because their identity has become wrapped around their sickness or pain. Or, in many cases, their income (from the government) is based upon their sickness or injuries. 

Be like Bart. Be intentional. Drop everything that holds you back, come TO Jesus even when you can’t see, and reach out for what He WANTS to give you.

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