Be Filled

Folks, you aren’t a cup filled with water. You are the main sail on a sailboat.  

Cups are stagnant, and non moving.  

Sails wait patiently for the wind.  
Sails learn the ways of the wind.  
Sails romance and dance with the wind.  
Sails must participate to receive the wind.  
Sails are powerless without the wind.  
Sails go where taken, and have no agenda.  

And sails are constantly filled. Over and over.  

Paul says, “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled (plēroō) with the Spirit.” 
Ephesians 5:18 

plēroō - to make full, to fill up, fill to full 
passive tense - receiving FROM God 
present tense - continuing action, something that happens continuously or repeatedly 

Peeps, the Holy Spirit is constantly UPON you. 

Seek Him, always.  
Ask for new refreshing wind. 🙌🏻 

(Based on a conversation with Aymeric)

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